Understanding the Pros and Cons of Bootstrapping Your Business as an Independent Consultant

Independent consultant with marker pen looking at pros and cons of different ways to bootstrap business

In the world of entrepreneurship, there are various methods to kickstart your business. One such method is the technique of bootstrapping. This article will explore in detail bootstrapping of your business, particularly if you are an independent consultant.

We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, the role of an independent consultant, tips for success, and resources that can help you along the way.

What is Bootstrapping a Business?

To understand the concept of bootstrapping, consider the phrase “pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps.” This phrase implies self-sufficiency and independence. For businesses, bootstrapping refers to starting and growing your business using your own resources, without external financial help. It’s about being resourceful, creative, and independent in your journey to success.

Bootstrapping a business can be a challenging venture, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. You will have total control over your business decisions, and you’ll gain a deep understanding of every aspect of your business. However, it also requires commitment, dedication, and the ability to wear multiple hats as you navigate your business’s growth.

What Does It Mean for You If You Bootstrap Your Business?

“Whatʼs a bootstrapper to do?
You have to go where the other guys canʼt. Take advantage of what you have so that you can beat the competition with what they donʼt.”

Seth Godin, The Bootstrapper’s Bible

Bootstrapping your business means you’re funding your business with your personal savings and revenue from the business itself. It involves minimal external interference. You are the decision-maker, the financier, and the executor. You’re responsible for every aspect of your business, from startup costs to operations and growth.

While bootstrapping may seem daunting, it offers several advantages. You maintain full ownership of your business, which allows you to make key decisions without the influence of external stakeholders. Bootstrapping also encourages financial discipline and resourcefulness, as you must make the most of your limited resources.

However, bootstrapping also comes with its challenges. You carry the financial risk yourself, and there can be high pressure to succeed. Your resources may also limit your growth potential, particularly in the early stages of your business.

Pros of Bootstrapping Your Independent Consulting Business

As an independent consultant, bootstrapping your business can offer numerous advantages.

Firstly, it gives you full control over your business. As a consultant, you can decide which projects to take on, set your rates, and define your services.

Bootstrapping also lets you make faster decisions. Without the need to consult with investors or a board of directors, you can make decisions quickly and efficiently. This can be a significant advantage in a fast-paced consulting environment where quick decision-making can often lead to better outcomes.

Lastly, bootstrapping your consulting business can lead to a sense of personal accomplishment. There’s pride in knowing that your success is solely due to your efforts. It’s a testament to your skills, abilities, and determination.

Cons of Bootstrapping Your Independent Consulting Business

While there are numerous benefits to bootstrapping your independent consulting business, there are also several drawbacks to consider.

Firstly, the financial risk is solely on you. If your business fails, you stand to lose your savings.

Additionally, bootstrapping a business can be a slow process. It often takes longer to grow a business without external funding, which can be frustrating. Furthermore, you’re limited by the amount of capital you have available. This can restrict the scope of your projects and limit your business growth.

Lastly, bootstrapping can be an isolating experience. As an independent consultant, you’re likely to be working alone most of the time. Without a team or external investors, you may lack the support and advice that can be vital in navigating the challenges of running a business.

The Role of an Independent Consultant in a Bootstrapped Business

As an independent consultant in a bootstrapped business, your role is multifaceted. You’re not only the consultant, but also the business owner, the marketer, the salesperson, and the financial manager. You’re in charge of every aspect of your business, from securing clients to delivering consulting services and managing your business finances.

Your role also involves continuously learning and adapting. You need to stay updated with industry trends, develop new skills, and adapt your services to meet your clients’ needs. Being proactive and resourceful are key traits of a successful independent consultant in a bootstrapped business.

Moreover, as an independent consultant, you’re also responsible for building and maintaining relationships with your clients. Client satisfaction is crucial in a consulting business, and it’s your job to ensure that your clients are happy with your services.

Tips for Bootstrapping Your Consulting Business Successfully

Bootstrapping your consulting business successfully requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips that can help.

1. Start small and grow gradually.

Don’t try to do everything at once. Focus on delivering excellent service to a few clients, and expand as your resources allow.

2. Be frugal.

Treat every penny as if it’s your last and make the most of your limited resources. This doesn’t mean you should compromise on quality. Instead, find creative ways to deliver high-quality services without breaking the bank.

3. Network.

Building relationships with other entrepreneurs and professionals in your industry can be a great source of advice, support, and potential client referrals. Attend industry events, join online forums, and participate in networking groups to connect with others and grow your business.

Resources for Bootstrapping Your Independent Consulting Business

There are many resources available to help you bootstrap your independent consulting business. Online business courses can provide valuable knowledge and skills. Websites like Coursera and Udemy offer a wide range of business and consulting-related courses.

Books can also be a great resource. Titles like “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries and “Bootstrapping Your Business” by Greg Gianforte provide practical advice on starting and growing a bootstrapped business.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the value of mentorship. Finding a mentor who has successfully bootstrapped their business can provide invaluable advice and guidance.

How to Overcome Challenges in Bootstrapping Your Consulting Business

Consultant overcoming challenges while climbing

Overcoming challenges in bootstrapping your consulting business requires resilience and adaptability. When faced with financial constraints, consider alternatives like bartering services with other businesses or seeking out low-cost resources.

When feeling isolated, seek out networks of other entrepreneurs. These networks can provide much-needed support and advice. Online forums, local business groups, and social media platforms can be excellent places to connect with other entrepreneurs.

Finally, embrace the learning process. Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. Each hurdle you overcome makes you better equipped to handle future obstacles.

Is Bootstrapping Right for Your Independent Consulting Business?

Whether bootstrapping is right for your independent consulting business depends on your circumstances and goals. If you value independence and control, have access to personal funds, and are willing to take on the risk and challenges, then bootstrapping could be a suitable option.

However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Consider your financial situation, your business goals, and your tolerance for risk before deciding.


Bootstrapping your business as an independent consultant can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. With the right approach, resources, and resilience, you can successfully bootstrap your business and reap the benefits of your hard work and determination.

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