How to consult while on a cruise ship

Picture by Matthew Barra

Going on a cruise can be an incredibly exciting experience, offering travelers the opportunity to explore new destinations while enjoying a range of onboard amenities and activities. However, while you’re enjoying your time at sea, it’s important to stay connected to the world, particularly if you need to do your consulting work.

For independent consultants, a great benefit is the ability to work remotely anywhere in the world and while on the go.

First, we will consider a couple of examples of specialty cruises that make it easier to work at sea, then what we can expect from cruises in general, and finally 7 tips for continuing your consulting work while on a cruise.

Specialty cruises that facilitate working at sea

Here are two examples.

Digital Nomad Cruise

“In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn’t do than by what you did.“

Mark Twain

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as the Digital Nomad Cruise. Despite the importance of excellent connectivity for doing day-to-day work as a consultant, the internet connection was not good. This is an inherent problem for cruise ships that are on the move. You can’t rely on your mobile phone when you are at sea. Even a satellite phone may not be that good, while you’re on the move and it can be very expensive.

Around the world cruise

“Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.”

Howard Schultz

A cruise ship, MV Gemini will set off on a 3-year trip around the world on November 1, 2023. The price of a cabin may be competitive with rents in large United States cities. Since food and drink are included, it may not be too much of a stretch for people that already live in expensive cities.

The cruise will doubtless attract digital nomads. It will have offices and conference rooms, and other amenities to allow passengers to continue working throughout the cruise.

The ship will connect to the internet using Starlink, a low orbit satellite based system. Most major cruise lines are partnering with Starlink. While Starlink appears to be faster than standard satellite systems, which are relatively slow, it does not yet have adequate coverage around the globe. Supposedly, this extended coverage is to occur by the end of 2023.

One downside is that the MV Gemini cruise requires a 3-year commitment, and that does not suit everyone. For many people, not seeing friends or family for such an extended time, may not be appealing or doable. The company running the cruise allows family to visit for free. This, presumably, is to visit on board. However, the ship will be traveling around the world and time in any port will short. It may be difficult, expensive or not possible, because of their circumstances, for family and friends to visit.

Another consideration is how important it is for you to be connected to the outside world for your work. If you need to be reliably in touch with clients throughout business hours where your clients are, you would not want to find out that a ship’s communications are not adequate.

Doing your consulting work while on cruises in general

Not all cruises are specifically dedicated to providing adequate facilities or a level of connectivity sufficient for conducting business. So, if this is critical for you, do your homework in advance to decide whether a particular cruise is for you.

After all, the vast majority of people are on cruise to enjoy a vacation and to get away from it all. Passengers are not necessarily looking for time-critical, uninterrupted communication with the outside world.

7 tips on how to consult while on a cruise ship

1. Use onboard communication options

Many cruise ships offer communication options that allow passengers to stay in touch with the outside world, such as phone, email, and internet access. These services may come at an additional cost, so it’s important to check with your cruise line before you embark to see what options are available and how much they cost.

2. Check your mobile phone coverage

Depending on your mobile phone plan and your destination, you may be able to use your phone while on the cruise ship. However, be aware that international roaming charges can be very expensive, so it’s important to check with your mobile provider before you embark to see what options are available and how much they will cost.

Making sure that you don’t end up with unexpected charges can sometimes be more tricky that it seems. For example, if you are close to the border of two countries and one is covered by your mobile phone plan, your phone may link to a cell tower in the country that is not covered.

3. Plan ahead

If you know that you will need to consult with someone while on your cruise, it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Make a list of the people you need to contact, their contact information, and the best way to reach them. This will help you to stay organized and ensure that you don’t forget anyone. You will also need to take into account spotty internet connections. So, consider planning to have teleconferences and phone calls with clients whilst on shore.

4. Use satellite communication services

If you are traveling to remote areas or if you need to be reachable at all times, you may want to consider using satellite communication services. These services can be expensive, but they provide more reliable communication even in areas where traditional phone and internet services are not available.

5. Consider time zone differences

If you need to consult with someone in a different time zone, it’s important to keep this in mind when planning your communications. Make sure you are aware of the time difference and plan your calls or emails accordingly.

6. Be aware of your surroundings

While you’re on a cruise, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings, especially if you’re using your phone or other communication devices. Be mindful of the people around you, and make sure you’re not disturbing others with your conversations.

7. Take time to enjoy the cruise

Don’t get so wrapped up in your consulting work that you don’t enjoy the cruise. Make sure that you maintain your work-life balance and make as much time as possible to savor the experiences that are available on the cruise.


While it’s important to stay connected while on a cruise, it’s also important to remember to disconnect and enjoy the experience. By following these tips, you can ensure that you stay connected while also enjoying your time at sea.

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