Jurassic Park and the Singularity: Lessons from Fiction on Managing Unpredictable Technology

The 1993 film Jurassic Park, directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Michael Crichton’s novel, is a cautionary tale about the perils of unchecked technological advancement. The movie’s storyline revolves around the use of DNA technology to bring dinosaurs back to life, leading to catastrophic consequences. As we approach the potential technological singularity, where artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence, Jurassic Park offers valuable lessons on the unpredictability and risks associated with advanced technologies.

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Recently, I have thought extensively about the challenges the arrival of the singularity might present for consultants and other knowledge workers, and wrote a couple of articles and created videos on the topic. This is when the parallels between the fictional Jurassic Park and the as yet unrealized singularity occurred to me. 

“Who will guard the guardians.” 

-Juvenal, Roman Satirist; previously attributed to Plato

As proprietary development of AI toward the singularity continues, companies are understandably advancing their products while protecting trade secrets. Those responsible for protecting us, including legislators, regulators and the courts, may not understand the advancements toward the singularity that are on the cutting edge of technology. 

Guarding corporate trade secrets and lack of understanding of the technology underlying the potential development of the singularity is not a recipe for the best outcomes.

What could possibly go wrong?

The Premise of Jurassic Park

In Jurassic Park, scientists use DNA technology to clone dinosaurs, creating a theme park where visitors can observe these prehistoric creatures. However, the seemingly controlled environment quickly spirals out of control as the dinosaurs adapt in unforeseen ways, leading to chaos and disaster. The park’s creators underestimated the complexities of their creation and the inherent unpredictability of life.

Unpredictability of Technology: Dinosaurs and AI

Jurassic Park: Unpredictable Adaptability

The scientists in Jurassic Park believed they had accounted for all variables, ensuring that the dinosaurs would be contained and manageable. However, they overlooked the adaptability and unpredictability of living organisms. For instance, the dinosaurs’ ability to breed, despite being engineered as female, demonstrated their unforeseen adaptability and resilience. This unpredictability led to a breakdown in the park’s safety measures, resulting in catastrophic consequences.

The Singularity: Unpredictable AI Evolution

Similarly, the singularity represents a point where AI systems could evolve beyond human control, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Just as the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park adapted in ways the scientists had not anticipated, superintelligent AI could develop capabilities and behaviors that are beyond our current understanding. This unpredictability poses significant risks, as AI systems could make decisions or take actions that are detrimental to humanity. Will we be able to contain and manage AI if the singularity becomes a reality?

Control and Containment: Lessons from Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park: Failure of Control Mechanisms

In Jurassic Park, the failure of control mechanisms was a critical factor in the ensuing disaster. The park’s creators believed they had built foolproof systems to contain the dinosaurs, but these systems failed under unforeseen circumstances. The park’s reliance on automated security measures, which were easily compromised, highlighted the limitations of their control strategies.

The Singularity: Challenges of AI Control

The potential singularity presents similar challenges in terms of control and containment. Ensuring that superintelligent AI systems remain aligned with human values and goals is a complex and daunting task. As AI becomes more advanced, the difficulty of predicting and managing its behavior increases. The risk of AI systems acting autonomously in ways that are harmful or unintended parallels the breakdown of control in Jurassic Park.

Ethical and Moral Implications

Jurassic Park: Ethical Oversights

The ethical implications of bringing dinosaurs back to life were largely overlooked in Jurassic Park. The focus on technological achievement and commercial gain overshadowed considerations of the potential consequences and moral responsibilities involved. This lack of ethical foresight contributed to the disaster that unfolded.

The Singularity: Ethical Considerations

Similarly, the pursuit of AI advancement must be balanced with careful ethical considerations. The development of superintelligent AI raises profound questions about the implications for society, individual rights, and the nature of human existence. Ensuring that ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks are in place is crucial to mitigating the risks associated with the singularity.

Adaptation and Resilience: Preparing for the Unpredictable

Jurassic Park: The Dinosaurs’ Resilience

The dinosaurs’ ability to adapt and thrive in the modern world, despite being engineered for containment, underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability. The failure to anticipate the full range of their capabilities led to disastrous outcomes for the park’s staff and visitors.

The Singularity’s Resilience and Adaptability

In preparing for the singularity, we must anticipate that superintelligent machines will be as resilient and adaptable as the fictional dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.  To counter this, we will need to build resilience and adaptability into our systems and societies. This includes developing robust AI safety measures, promoting interdisciplinary research, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. By anticipating a wide range of possible scenarios, we can better prepare for the unpredictable nature of superintelligent AI.

Conclusion: Embracing Caution and Responsibility

Jurassic Park serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of unchecked technological advancement and the importance of ethical responsibility. As we stand on the brink of the singularity, we must heed these lessons and approach the development of AI with caution, foresight, and a commitment to the greater good. By learning from the fictional mistakes of Jurassic Park, we can strive to create a future where advanced technologies are harnessed safely and responsibly, benefiting humanity as a whole.


The cautionary tale of Jurassic Park teaches us that technological advancements come with significant risks. As we stand on the brink of the singularity, it’s imperative to act responsibly and proactively. Here’s how you can make a difference:

  1. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about AI developments and their potential impacts. Knowledge is your best defense against unforeseen consequences.
  2. Advocate for Ethical AI: Support policies and initiatives that prioritize ethical AI development. Demand transparency and accountability from tech companies and governments.
  3. Embrace Lifelong Learning: Equip yourself with new skills, especially those that are creative and uniquely human, to adapt to the evolving technological landscape. Continuous learning is key to staying relevant and resilient.
  4. Foster Open Dialogue: Engage in conversations about the future of AI and its implications. Share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas with your community and policymakers.
  5. Support Research: Encourage and support interdisciplinary research focused on AI safety, ethics, and human-AI collaboration. Innovation should be guided by caution and foresight.

Let’s take the lessons from Jurassic Park to heart and work together to ensure a future where technology enhances our lives without compromising our safety and values. Prepare, engage, and act now!

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