Consultants, Unleash Your Productivity with These Time Management Techniques

You know, as a consultant, that time is your most valuable resource. You have numerous tasks and deadlines to meet, and every hour counts. Effective time management is the key to success in consulting, as it can help you to increase your productivity and make the most of your working day.

In this article, we will explore some of the best time management techniques that consultants can use to boost their efficiency and achieve their goals.

Why Time is Management Crucial for Consultants?

Time management is crucial for consultants because it can help them to increase productivity, meet deadlines, and achieve their goals. Effective time management allows consultants to work smarter, not harder, by focusing their efforts on the most important tasks. So, it can also help to reduce stress and improve work-life balance by ensuring that consultants have enough time for both work and personal activities.

One of the biggest challenges that consultants face is managing their workload. They often have multiple projects and clients to juggle, each with their own set of deadlines and deliverables. Effective time management can help to ensure that consultants stay on track and meet their obligations. In addition, it can help to prevent burnout by ensuring that consultants have enough time to rest and recharge.

The Pomodoro Technique

(Image source: By The original uploader was Erato at Italian Wikinews. – Transferred from it.wikinews to Commons by Fale using CommonsHelper., CC BY-SA 3.0.

Like the Pareto Principle, which we will get to, the Pomodoro technique has an Italian connection.  Pomodoro is an Italian word that means tomato.  As you will see, it is named after a kitchen timer that is shaped like a tomato.  

Unlike the older Pareto Principle, it is relatively new and goes back to 1987.

How did the Pomodoro Technique get started?

Here from the website of the originator of the Pomodoro technique, Francesco Cirillo, is how it all started:

“I was a student at the university in 1987 and I had to take the sociology exam in September. I couldn’t keep my mind focused on my book. I was constantly getting distracted. I made a humble bet with myself: ‘Can you stay focused for two minutes without distraction?’ I went to the kitchen, grabbed a timer and came back to my table. The timer was red and shaped like a Pomodoro (tomato in English). I wound it up to two minutes and started reading my book. When the timer rang I had won my bet against Time. Surprised, I began to ask myself why it had worked? I gradually increased the amount of time when I set the timer. I got to one hour, but that was too much. I didn’t take too long to realize that, for a number of factors, the ideal unit of work was 25 minutes followed by a 2-5 minute break.

There, on that table in September 1987, I hadn’t noticed yet but for the first time I had managed to turn time into an ally. Exactly at the moment when Time appeared to be such a vicious predator to me I managed to stop in front of it, and still and afraid ask this simple question: “How can you, Time, be useful to me now?

For the first time I used time instead of running away from Time. I decided to use Time, spend it to take a break, favour my mental processes, allow my mind to organize the information it had acquired in the working time and put me in the best situation to start my next Pomodoro.”

Francesco Cirillo

Learn more about the Pomodoro Technique

If you want to go into his technique in greater depth, visit Francesco Cirillo’s website.

His technique became extremely popular, and many people have written about it and used it.  As he points out in his website, the technique is more than just using a Pomodoro timer.

Why would consultants use the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can help consultants to stay focused and productive. The technique involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals, or “Pomodoros,” separated by short breaks. During each Pomodoro, consultants work on a single task, without interruptions or distractions. After each Pomodoro, they take a short break of 5-10 minutes before starting the next one.

The Pomodoro Technique is effective because it helps to reduce distractions and improve focus. By working in short, focused bursts, consultants can accomplish more in less time. The technique also helps to prevent burnout by ensuring that consultants take regular breaks to rest and recharge.

How to improve your performance as a consultant using the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that can be beneficial for consultants to improve their performance and productivity. Here’s how you can incorporate the Pomodoro technique into your consulting work:

1. Set specific goals

Before starting a Pomodoro session, identify the specific tasks or goals you want to accomplish. Having clear objectives will help you stay focused during each work interval.

2. Break down tasks

Break down your larger consulting tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. This will make it easier to estimate the time required for each task and help you allocate Pomodoro intervals effectively.

3. Set a timer

Set a timer for a predetermined work interval, traditionally 25 minutes, known as a “Pomodoro.” During this time, work exclusively on the task at hand without any distractions.

4. Work with focus

During each Pomodoro, eliminate any potential distractions such as email notifications, social media, or unrelated tasks. Focus solely on the task you have set out to complete.

5. Take short breaks

After completing a Pomodoro, take a short break of around 5 minutes. Use this time to relax, stretch, or do something unrelated to work. These short breaks help rejuvenate your mind and prepare you for the next Pomodoro.

6. Repeat and track

After the short break, begin another Pomodoro with the next task or continue working on the same task. Repeat this process throughout your workday. Keep track of completed Pomodoros to monitor your progress and gain a sense of accomplishment.

7. Long break after multiple Pomodoros

After completing a set number of Pomodoros (e.g., four), take a more extended break of around 15-30 minutes. Use this time to recharge, engage in a different activity, or relax before resuming your work.

8. Adapt to your needs

Adjust the duration of your Pomodoro sessions based on your personal preferences and the nature of your consulting work. Some individuals may find that shorter or longer intervals work better for them.

9. Prioritize tasks

When planning your Pomodoro sessions, prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Address critical tasks first to ensure you make progress on essential client projects.

10. Evaluate and refine

After using the Pomodoro technique for a while, evaluate its effectiveness for your consulting work. Assess how much you accomplished during each Pomodoro and whether any you need to make adjustments to maximize your productivity.

Remember, the Pomodoro technique is a tool to help you manage your time and improve focus. It’s essential to find a balance that works for you and adapt the technique to fit your specific consulting needs and working style.

The Eisenhower Matrix

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”  

Stephen Covey

The Eisenhower Matrix is named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served as President of the United States from 1953 to 1961 and as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War II. 

While the matrix bears his name, it was based on his quoting the remarks of an unnamed university professor:

“I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.” 

Dwight D. Eisenhower. Image source: Wikimedia

Here is an example of the matrix:

Image by Rory Bowman

The Eisenhower Matrix is a time management tool that can help consultants to prioritize their tasks and focus their efforts on the most important ones.

The matrix is divided into four quadrants, based on the urgency and importance of each task. Tasks that are both urgent and important have the highest priority, while those that are neither urgent nor important have the lowest priority. 

A number of apps include the Eisenhower matrix to help you prioritize your tasks, including Asana.  Asana gives an excellent description and examples of using the matrix. 

You can find online many versions of the Eisenhower Matrix.  Labels vary for the actions to take for each quadrant.  For example, you may see:

  • Do or Do First for (Quadrant 1; Urgent and Important)
  • Decide or Schedule (Quadrant 2; Not Urgent/Important);
  • Delegate (Quadrant 3; Urgent/Not Important)
  • Delete or Avoid or Eliminate (Quadrant 4; Not Urgent/Not Important).  

In some cases the numbering of the quadrants is different.  Just pick one version that works for you.

The Eisenhower Matrix is effective because it helps consultants to identify which tasks are most important and which tasks to defer or delegate.

By focusing their efforts on the most important tasks, consultants can achieve their goals more quickly and efficiently.

The matrix also helps to reduce stress by ensuring that consultants are not overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a time management technique that involves scheduling specific blocks of time for specific tasks. Consultants can use time blocking to ensure that they have enough time for each task and to prevent distractions and interruptions. The technique involves breaking the day into blocks of time, each devoted to a specific task or set of tasks.

Time blocking is effective because it helps consultants to stay focused and productive. So, by scheduling specific blocks of time for each task, consultants can ensure that they have enough time to complete it without interruptions or distractions. The technique also helps to prevent burnout by ensuring that consultants take breaks and switch tasks regularly.

How can consultants use time blocking to improve their performance?

Time blocking is a powerful technique that can greatly improve a consultant’s performance. Here’s how consultants can effectively use time blocking to enhance their productivity:

1. Prioritize tasks

Start by identifying your most important and high-priority tasks. These are the activities that directly contribute to your consulting goals and client deliverables. Then, make sure to allocate dedicated time blocks for these tasks.

2. Schedule focused work sessions

Determine specific time blocks for concentrated, uninterrupted work. During these sessions, eliminate distractions and focus solely on the task at hand. Obviously, this dedicated focus allows consultants to enter a state of deep work and achieve higher levels of productivity.

3. Allocate time for different activities

Divide your day into different blocks of time for various activities. For example, you can have separate blocks for client meetings, project work, research, administrative tasks, email management, and personal activities. In this case, assigning specific time slots to each activity helps maintain structure and prevents tasks from overlapping or being neglected.

4. Set realistic time estimates

Estimate the time needed for each task or activity and allocate appropriate time blocks accordingly. Consider factors such as complexity, potential interruptions, and unforeseen challenges. Of course, setting realistic time estimates ensures that you have sufficient time to complete each task without feeling rushed.

5. Establish boundaries and protect your time

Treat your time blocks as sacred and establish boundaries to protect them from interruptions or unnecessary distractions. Communicate your availability to clients, colleagues, and team members, and inform them about the specific times when you intend to focus on your scheduled tasks. Minimize interruptions by turning off notifications or using productivity tools that block distractions during work sessions.

6. Batch similar tasks together

Group similar tasks or activities that require similar mental focus or resources. For instance, schedule blocks for making phone calls, responding to emails, conducting research, or preparing reports. Generally, batching similar tasks helps minimize context switching and enhances efficiency.

7. Be flexible and allow buffer time

It’s important to be flexible within your time blocking schedule. Unexpected events or urgent client requests may arise, requiring you to adjust your plans. Allocate buffer time between blocks to account for unexpected tasks or additional work that may arise throughout the day. This flexibility ensures that you can adapt to changing priorities without derailing your entire schedule.

8. Regularly review and adjust

Review your time blocking schedule periodically to assess its effectiveness. Analyze which blocks are consistently effective and which ones may need adjustment. Pay attention to patterns and identify opportunities for improvement. Then, be willing to make adjustments and refine your schedule based on your evolving needs and feedback from experience.

Time blocking empowers consultants to take control of their schedules, allocate time strategically, and maximize their productivity. By organizing their days into focused time blocks, consultants can ensure that they use their valuable time efficiently and effectively.

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is named after a remarkable Italian, Vilfredo Pareto, a civil engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist and philosopher, who lived from 1848 to 1923.  His observation that 80% of the wealth of Italy was held by 20% of the population led to the principle that bears his name.

Image source: Vilfredo Pareto from Wikimedia Commons

The Pareto Principle is used as a time management principle that states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. In other words, a small percentage of your tasks are responsible for the majority of your results. Consultants can use the 80/20 Rule to identify which tasks are most important and focus their efforts on those tasks.

The 80/20 Rule is effective because it helps consultants to prioritize their tasks and focus their efforts on the most important ones. So, by identifying the tasks that are most responsible for their results, consultants can achieve their goals more quickly and efficiently. The principle also helps to prevent burnout by ensuring that consultants are not overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

How consultants can use the 80/20 to improve time management

Consultants can effectively utilize the 80/20 principle, also known as the Pareto Principle, to enhance their time management and improve their overall performance. So, here’s how they can leverage this principle:

1. Identify high-impact tasks

The first step is to identify the tasks or activities that contribute the most value to your consulting work. These are the tasks that yield the greatest results or have the most significant impact on client satisfaction, revenue generation, or project success. So, by focusing on these high-impact tasks, consultants can make the most efficient use of their time.

2. Prioritize ruthlessly

Once you’ve identified the high-impact tasks, prioritize them over less critical activities. Apply the 80/20 rule by recognizing that approximately 20% of the tasks will likely deliver 80% of the results.

Then, focus your time and energy on these top-priority tasks, as they will provide the most significant returns on your efforts.

3. Delegate or eliminate low-value tasks

Identify tasks that fall into the 80% of activities that contribute relatively less value.

Determine if any of these tasks can be delegated to others, such as administrative work, data entry, or routine research.

By delegating or outsourcing non-core activities, consultants can free up their time to concentrate on higher-value work.

4. Streamline processes

Look for ways to streamline your work processes and eliminate inefficiencies.

Analyze how you spend your time during different tasks and identify areas where you can optimize or automate processes. For example, using project management tools, templates, or software can help you save time on repetitive tasks and enhance your overall efficiency.

5. Regularly evaluate and adapt

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your time management efforts and reassess your priorities. Keep track of your time allocation and measure the impact of your tasks. Are you consistently focusing on the 20% of activities that yield the most significant results? Are there new areas where you can shift your focus to maximize your impact? Regularly reviewing and adapting your approach ensures that you stay aligned with the ever-evolving needs of your clients and projects.

By applying the 80/20 principle to time management, consultants can optimize their efforts, allocate their time strategically, and achieve greater productivity. This principle encourages consultants to concentrate on the tasks that drive the most value, allowing them to deliver exceptional results and make the most efficient use of their limited time resources.

The Getting Things Done (GTD) Method

The Getting Things Done (GTD) Method is a time management system developed by David Allen. The system is designed to help consultants organize their tasks and projects, prioritize their work, and achieve their goals. The GTD Method involves five steps: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage.

The GTD Method is effective because it provides a clear framework for managing tasks and projects. By following the five steps, consultants can ensure that they have captured all of their tasks, organized them effectively, and prioritized their work. The method also helps to reduce stress by providing a clear system for managing workload.

How consultants can be more productive using GTD

The Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology is a popular productivity system that can greatly benefit consultants in managing their tasks and improving productivity.

Here’s how consultants can utilize GTD to enhance their performance:

1. Capture all tasks and ideas

Use a reliable system to capture and collect all your tasks, ideas, and commitments. This can be a digital tool like a task management app, a physical notebook, or a combination of both. The goal is to have a single trusted place to record all your inputs.

2. Clarify and define next actions

Review your captured items and clarify what needs to be done with each of them. Determine the next physical action required to move them forward. Break down larger tasks into actionable steps to make them more manageable.

3. Organize tasks into lists

Categorize your tasks and create lists based on context, project, priority, or any other relevant criteria. Common lists for consultants might include “Client Projects,” “Administrative Tasks,” “Meetings,” or “Research.” Organizing tasks into lists helps you quickly identify and focus on specific types of work.

4. Regularly review and update

Set aside dedicated time for regular reviews of your task lists and commitments. This could be a weekly or daily review, depending on your needs. During these reviews, evaluate your tasks, update their statuses, prioritize them, and make any necessary adjustments.

5. Apply the 2-minute rule

If a task can be completed in less than two minutes, do it immediately. Rather than spending time organizing and tracking such quick tasks, it’s often more efficient to address them right away. This prevents small tasks from accumulating and cluttering your task lists.

6. Use contexts effectively

Assign specific contexts to your tasks based on the resources, location, or conditions needed to complete them. For example, you might have contexts like “Phone Calls,” “Online Research,” or “Computer Work.” When you have a block of time available and the necessary resources or conditions are met, you can easily identify tasks that can be accomplished within that context.

7. Implement the “Next Actions” approach

Ensure that your task lists are focused on actionable next steps rather than vague or overwhelming projects. By breaking projects down into smaller, concrete actions, you can make progress more efficiently and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

8. Leverage reference materials

Create a system for organizing reference materials, such as client documents, research articles, or industry reports. Keep them easily accessible and sorted logically for quick retrieval when needed.

9. Minimize distractions

Implement strategies to minimize distractions and interruptions during your work sessions. This might include turning off notifications, setting dedicated focus time, or using productivity tools to block distractions.

10. Regularly reassess and optimize

Continuously review and refine your GTD system to ensure its effectiveness. As your consulting work evolves, you may need to adjust your lists, contexts, or review frequencies to better align with your current needs and projects.

By adopting the GTD methodology, consultants can gain clarity, stay organized, and enhance their productivity. It provides a structured framework for capturing, clarifying, and organizing tasks, allowing consultants to focus on meaningful work, prioritize effectively, and achieve their professional goals more efficiently.

Importance of Prioritizing Tasks

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Prioritizing tasks is crucial for effective time management. By prioritizing tasks, consultants can ensure that they focus their efforts on the most important ones and achieve their goals more efficiently. Prioritizing tasks also helps to prevent burnout by ensuring that consultants are not overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

When prioritizing tasks, consultants should consider factors such as urgency, importance, and potential impact. They should focus their efforts on the tasks that are most urgent and important, and that will have the greatest impact on their clients or projects. By doing so, they can achieve their goals more quickly and efficiently.

Tools for Time Management

“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” Bruce Lee

There are numerous tools and apps that consultants can use to improve their time management skills. Some popular tools include Trello, Asana, and Todoist. These tools can help consultants to organize their tasks and projects, prioritize their work, and track their progress. They can also help to reduce stress by providing a clear system for managing workload.

When choosing a time management tool, consultants should consider factors such as ease of use, compatibility with their workflow, and features such as collaboration and task tracking. They should also be willing to experiment with different tools to find the one that works best for them.

How to Implement Time Management Techniques in Your Consulting Business?

Implementing time management techniques in your consulting business is crucial for success. To do so, consultants should start by identifying the techniques that will work best for them. They should then create a plan for implementing those techniques, including setting goals, establishing a routine, and tracking their progress.

It is also important for consultants to be willing to experiment and adjust their approach as needed. They should be open to trying new techniques and tools, and be willing to make changes to their routine if something is not working.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Time Management

“You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.”

Maxwell Maltz

There are several common mistakes that consultants make when it comes to time management. One of the biggest mistakes is failing to prioritize tasks effectively. Consultants should take the time to identify the tasks that are most important and focus their efforts on those tasks.

Another common mistake is failing to take breaks and rest. Consultants should prioritize their health and well-being by taking regular breaks and engaging in activities outside of work.

Finally, consultants should avoid procrastination and distractions. They should create an environment that is conducive to productivity, free from distractions such as social media and email.

“If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner.”

Tallulah Bankhead


Effective time management is essential for success in consulting. By implementing the techniques and tools outlined in this article, consultants can boost their productivity, reduce stress, and achieve their goals more efficiently. Remember to prioritize tasks, experiment with different techniques and tools, and take breaks and rest to prevent burnout. With the right approach, you can unleash your productivity and achieve success in your consulting business.

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Take action! Start implementing these time management techniques today to boost your productivity and achieve success in your consulting business.

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